About Us

EeWHO is a sustainable international non-profit organization

Welcome to Ethana e’World Humanitarian Organization, a dedicated NGO committed to creating positive and lasting change by addressing the pressing challenges of poverty, malnutrition, and underdevelopment throughout Africa.

Our mission is to build a sustainable future for all by embracing a holistic and innovative approach that spans the entire continent. We believe that through community engagement, local initiation strategies, and four transformative programs – Agriculture, Education, Water and Sanitation, and Green Energy – we can reshape the trajectory of development and empower individuals to lead fullling lives.

A Holistic Approach To Empowerment

At Ethana e’World, we believe that true progress is achieved when development is approached holistically. We understand the complex interplay of various factors inuencing communities’ well-being and work to address these factors in an integrated manner.

Our initiatives encompass economic, social, environmental, and cultural dimensions to create sustainable and meaningful change that leaves no one behind.

We Believe We Can Reshape the Trajectory of Development and Empower Individuals To Lead Fulfilling Lives.

Breaking Free from
Societal Constraints

Ethana e’World is not just an organization; it is a movement. We are inspired by the idea that human potential knows no bounds when liberated from the constraints of societal structures and limiting roles. Our approach is driven by human design, encouraging self-empowerment and encouraging individuals to rise above imposed limitations and stereotypes.

By fostering an environment of inclusivity and empowerment, we strive to create spaces where every person can thrive and contribute to their fullest potential.

Community Engagement
for Lasting Impact

Inclusive development requires the active involvement of the communities we serve. At Ethana e’World, we recognize that local expertise and wisdom are essential for creating sustainable change. We collaborate closely with community members, leaders, and local organizations to co-create solutions tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of each community. Through meaningful engagement, we build trust, encourage participation, and ensure that our interventions have a lasting impact.

Empower communities by collaborating with members, leaders, and local organizations to craft solutions that resonate with their unique needs and dreams. Your involvement can spark transformative change!

Local Initiation Strategies

We understand that the most eective solutions often emerge from within the communities themselves. Ethana e’World partners with local initiatives, empowering communities to take charge of their development journey. By investing in capacity building and supporting local leaders, we foster a sense of ownership and pride in the positive transformation that unfolds.

Our commitment to holistic development is reflected in our Four Pillars Of Transformation

Our commitment to holistic development is reflected in our Four Pillars Of Transformation


Through sustainable and innovative agricultural practices, we aim to enhance food security, improve livelihoods, and promote environmental stewardship. Empowering farmers with knowledge and resources, we strive to create thriving agricultural communities.

Water and Sanitation

Through sustainable and innovative agricultural practices, we aim to enhance food security, improve livelihoods, and promote environmental stewardship. Empowering farmers with knowledge and resources, we strive to create thriving agricultural communities.


Education is a fundamental right and a catalyst for progress. At Ethana e'World, we work tirelessly to provide access to quality education for all, empowering individuals to unlock their potential and shape their own destinies.

Green Energy

Education is a fundamental right and a catalyst for progress. At Ethana e'World, we work tirelessly to provide access to quality education for all, empowering individuals to unlock their potential and shape their own destinies.

We Believe We Can Reshape the Trajectory of Development and Empower Individuals To Lead Fulfilling Lives.

Join the
Ethana e'World Movement

We invite you to join hands with the Ethana e’World Humanitarian Organization as we embark on a transformative journey towards a brighter, more equitable future for Africa. Together, we can challenge the status quo, embrace innovation, and empower individuals and communities to thrive in a world free from the shackles of poverty and underdevelopment. Let us unite our eorts and create a positive ripple effect that extends far beyond borders, touching lives and hearts across the continent. Together, we can make a dierence, one community at a time.


Our Story

Ethana e’World Humanitarian Organization traces its roots back to 2017 when it was founded by Agu Belief Michael, a Philosopher, Philanthropist, and Visionary, alongside his partners Jay Credo and Michael Macgraw. Inspired by the ideals of ethicists dedicated to making a signicant impact through charitable giving, the organization was launched as an international community of compassionate individuals committed to giving more eectively. Over the past six years, Ethana e’World has been dedicated to establishing sustainable development projects in Nigeria, resulting in remarkable achievements documented in Our Achievements section.

In January 2023, Ethana e’World took a signicant step forward by being ocially registered as an NGO and establishing its new headquarters in Germany. Berlin, with its vibrant network of like-minded organizations, proved to be the perfect location for building a strong foundation for the organization’s future endeavors.

With a focus on creating a robust network of motivated young professionals and partnering organizations, the NGO aims to further expand its reach and impact across Africa.

Ethana e’World’s distinguishing characteristic lies in its immensely strong network of African stakeholders, particularly in Ghana and Nigeria. With the dedication of over 400 eld workers, the organization continues to work tirelessly to expand its network and activities, particularly in Northern Nigeria—a region known for its rugged challenges. Through relentless eorts and community engagement, Ethana e’World seeks to drive positive change and sustainable development in one of the most challenging environments on the planet. As the organization continues to evolve, it remains driven by its core values of compassion, empowerment, and innovation, ready to face the future with optimism and determination.

Our Goals

Long Term Goals
  • Holistic Sustainable Development Across Africa: Ethana e’World’s ultimate long-term goal is to spearhead holistic sustainable development initiatives across all African countries. By leveraging community engagement, local initiation strategies, and our four core programs (Agriculture, Education, Water and Sanitation, Green Energy), we envision creating a continent where poverty, malnutrition, and underdevelopment are signicantly reduced, and all communities can thrive in harmony with their environment.
  • Holistic Sustainable Development Across Africa: Ethana e’World’s ultimate long-term goal is to spearhead holistic sustainable development initiatives across all African countries. By leveraging community engagement, local initiation strategies, and our four core programs (Agriculture, Education, Water and Sanitation, Green Energy), we envision creating a continent where poverty, malnutrition, and underdevelopment are signicantly reduced, and all communities can thrive in harmony with their environment.

Immediate Goals
  • Expand Sustainable Development Projects: In the short term, Ethana e’World strives to expand its sustainable development projects in Nigeria and other targeted regions. By identifying new communities in need and partnering with local stakeholders, we aim to increase the number of initiatives that address agriculture, education, water and sanitation, and green energy, amplifying our positive impact on livelihoods and the environment.

  • Strengthen Partnerships and Networks: Building strong partnerships and networks is a key immediate goal. Ethana e’World seeks to collaborate with like-minded organizations, governmental bodies, and corporate entities that share our vision and commitment to sustainable development. By pooling resources and expertise, we can enhance the eectiveness of our programs and promote a unied approach to solving the challenges faced by African communities.

Advanced Goals
  • Establish Training and Capacity Building Centers: As an advanced goal, Ethana e’World aims to create training and capacity building centers in strategic locations within Africa. These centers will serve as hubs for knowledge exchange, skill development, and innovative practices in agriculture, education, water and sanitation, and green energy. By empowering individuals with relevant expertise, we envision enabling self-suciency and sustainability at the local level.

  • Advocate for Policy Change and Institutional Support: Ethana e’World aspires to become a strong advocate for policy change at local, national, and regional levels. By engaging with policymakers and raising awareness about sustainable development, we seek to inuence legislation and institutional support that fosters inclusive growth and environmental protection. Through advocacy, we hope to create an enabling environment for long-term, scalable solutions to poverty, malnutrition, and underdevelopment.

    In pursuit of these long-term, immediate, and advanced goals, Ethana e’World will remain dedicated to its founding principles of community engagement, empowerment, and human design. By rallying the eorts of individuals, organizations, and governments, we believe that together, we can build a brighter future for Africa—one where communities thrive, nature ourishes, and each person’s potential is unleashed to shape a sustainable and equitable society.


Leadership Team Nigeria

Leadership Team Germany


We depend on our partnerships with change-making organisations, governments, fellow non-profits, and people of vision everywhere to accomplish our mission.

Public figures

Former US President Bill Clinton, seen here at the Kigali Genocide Memorial, is among the leaders who have endorsed and supported the work of the Aegis Trust.

Meet the team

The Aegis Trust’s experienced and dedicated staff are committed to building strong, united communities free from the risk of mass atrocities.

“People such as myself really appreciate what Aegis Trust has done by giving us a voice, and helping teach everybody else, using our experiences.”
Natasha Uwimanzi
Survivor of the Genocide against the Tutsi


Looking for recent reports, financial information, policy papers or downloadable resources from the Aegis Trust? You’ll find them here.


What does ‘Aegis’ mean? How is the Aegis Trust funded? What are Aegis’ plans for the future? For these and other frequently asked questions, you can find the answers here.

How you can help

Whether you’d like to fundraise for Aegis or visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Rwanda, there are loads of ways you can support our work.

Our starting-point

Remembering the Holocaust and responding to Kosovo led two brothers to launch the Aegis Trust in 2000. Find out what convinced them that genocide is preventable.


Remembering the Holocaust and responding to Kosovo led two brothers to launch the Aegis Trust in 2000. Find out what convinced them that genocide is preventable.

Where we work

Remembering the Holocaust and responding to Kosovo led two brothers to launch the Aegis Trust in 2000. Find out what convinced them that genocide is preventable.