We recognize the transformative power that education holds for individuals

Education has always been hailed as the key to unlocking human potential and driving socio-economic development. In Africa, where the promise of a brighter future often remains elusive for millions in poor rural communities, access to quality education stands as a potent tonic for change. As an NGO committed to enhancing education, we recognize the transformative power that education holds for individuals, communities, and the continent as a whole.

Africa’s journey towards prosperity and sustainable development is inextricably linked to the equitable provision of education. It is a fundamental human right that empowers individuals, cultivates critical thinking, and enables them to actively participate in shaping their destinies. However, the disparity in educational opportunities between urban and rural areas remains stark, perpetuating cycles of poverty and limiting the potential of future generations.


We aim to create a nurturing environment that encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity.

Our approach is holistic and community-driven, recognizing that sustainable change can only be achieved through active involvement and collaboration. We focus on a multi-faceted strategy that encompasses various elements, such as improving infrastructure, ensuring access to quality teaching and learning materials, training and empowering local teachers, and leveraging technology to enhance educational outcomes. Furthermore, we foster partnerships with local organizations, governmental bodies, and volunteers who share our vision, amplifying our impact and reaching more beneciaries.

Together with the communities we serve, we aim to create a nurturing environment that encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity. By nurturing these skills, we equip the next generation with the tools they need to become active participants in the global knowledge economy, driving innovation, and shaping the future of Africa.

Join hands with us in our quest for educational equity and empowerment.

As we embark on this journey, we invite individuals, corporations, and institutions to join hands with us in our quest for educational equity and empowerment. Through collective action, we can break the cycle of poverty, unleash human potential, and pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous Africa.

Education is the tonic that holds the power to reshape destinies, uplift communities, and transform nations. Let us come together to unlock its full potential and build a future where every child’s dreams are within reach.

Our Achievements

Under our education programme we have been able to give full learning scholarships to approximately 150 children for basic education in Nigeria. Additionally over 5,000 women have beneted from our skill acquisitions programs.

Our Workshops

They are confirmed with 100 members logged in for Sunday 30th April,2023 at Al-bishiri Community Primary school,from 9am-1pm, right at the coast.

These also are set with over 100 women ready to partake for the training on Sunday 30th April,2023, from 2pm to 6pm.

In preparation for the skill training program with the Nigerian Airforce Ocers wives on Saturday 13th May,2023. we an invitation for an ocial meeting with the Airforce base commander in Minna Niger State.

2:00pm-6:00pm 13th May 2023 at Maitumbi Primary school Minna Niger State

Venue: Holy Trinity church, chanchaga Minna; Time:3:00pm-5pm; Date: Today,Sunday 28th May,2023.

Our school / scholarship



  1. The Nigerian School System
  2. Boko Haram and Islamic Education
  3. The problems of education in Nigeria

Our Achievements

Liberative Education

Specifically in Nigeria, nearly half of our beloved rural Grassroot children are deprived of education, burdened by a multitude of human factors that cast shadows on their future. Religious crises, banditry, tribal and ethnic beliefs, corruption, poverty, and a lack of educational infrastructure are among the pressing challenges that weigh heavily on their young shoulders. These formidable obstacles not only hinder their access to education but also cast a dark cloud over various aspects of their lives, impacting their standards of living profoundly.

At the heart of Imo State, Nigeria, stands Ethana Education, a beacon of hope and transformation for these deserving souls. We are dedicated to turning the tide of despair into waves of opportunity by oering scholarships to numerous students, illuminating the path towards knowledge and enlightenment. Our commitment goes beyond mere nancial support; we provide essential writing and teaching materials to elevate learning standards and foster a sense of purpose in the hearts of the hopeless.

Our mission is to breathe hope into their dreams, igniting the re of ambition in the most brilliant and promising children within the Grassroot communities. Through our unwavering dedication, we strive to break the shackles of poverty and bring about a consistent positive change, infusing stability into their lives.

With every scholarship awarded and every book provided, we plant seeds of knowledge that will blossom into a ourishing garden of intellectual brilliance. Witnessing the transformation of these young minds lls us with immense pride, knowing that we are shaping a future generation capable of overcoming any obstacle.

As you read these words, we invite you to join hands with us on this remarkable journey. Together, let us raise a generation of empowered individuals, equipped with the knowledge and resilience to navigate life’s

challenges with grace. Through Ethana Education, you have the power to become a true agent of change, bringing light to the lives of these deserving children and kindling a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow.

In this collective eort, we stand rm in our conviction that education is the key that unlocks countless doors of opportunity. Together, let us paint a new canvas of possibility, where every child’s potential is nurtured and cherished, where dreams are realized, and where the cycle of poverty is broken. Be a part of this inspirational movement, and let us script a story of hope, empowerment, and lasting impact for the future of Nigeria’s Grassroot communities.

Under our Liberative Education Program, we have adult skill acquisition project where we provide opportunities for adults (Mainly Women without any acquired skill or formal education) to participate in a workshop where they will learn and acquire an important skill to assist them serve their household and community for collective benefits.


A journey of empowerment and transformation has unfolded within Niger State, as we proudly announce our remarkable achievements in uplifting women. Through our unwavering commitment, we have successfully trained over 5,000 resilient and determined women, infusing hope and self-reliance into their lives.

In the heart of Suleja, we have empowered 2,562 women, while in Bosso (Maitumbi), we have stood by the side of 582 remarkable women, nurturing their potential to ourish. Chanchaga (Al-bishiri) witnessed 270 women soaring to new heights, while Chanchaga (Kulogbe) and Chanchaga (Tunga) welcomed 234 and 322 women, respectively, into the fold of empowerment.

A wave of transformation swept through Shiroro (Mutumdaya), where 437 women embraced newfound strength, and in Bosso (Airforce Military wives), 589 women found the wings to soar to greatness. Paikoro rejoiced as 342 women embarked on their journey of growth and empowerment, while Lapai stood tall, witnessing an astounding 1,237 women seizing the opportunity to change their lives for the better. Finally, Mariga celebrated the rise of 502 strong and empowered women.

As we journey towards June 30th, 2023, our documented records bear witness to the incredible impact we’ve made, uplifting a grand total of Seven Thousand and seventy-seven (7077) women throughout Niger State.

But our work doesn’t end here. Our vision remains steadfast, and our resolve unwavering. We see a future where every woman in Niger State and every other state in Nigeria afterwards will have the tools and knowledge to embrace independence and thrive in every aspect of life. Our promise to you, our valued supporters, is to continue this noble mission of empowerment, nurturing the dreams of countless women and elevating communities through their boundless potential.

Together, let us build a brighter tomorrow, where women across Niger State and Nigeria as a Nation will rise as beacons of strength and change. With your unwavering support, we shall continue to pen stories of promise, resilience, and triumph, creating a legacy that resonates for generations to come. Together, we are transforming lives and forging a future that holds the promise of empowerment for all.

Be part of this extraordinary movement, and together, let’s create a world where every woman’s dreams are within reach, and their potential knows no bounds.

Find attached photocopied documents for verications!

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